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The thought that Counted

​It was a cold and blustery Tuesday afternoon. The weather was very much reflecting my current mood and outlook on life. The morning had begun at the predawn hour of 5:30, and with only 4 hours of sleep for the second day in a row I was running on fumes. This pre-finals week was testing me both emotionally and mentally in every way possible.

After my last class I happen to walk past the mailroom on the way back to my house. I had received an email earlier that day that notified me that I had a package waiting for me. So naturally I ducked in to pick it up. Before walking to the pick- up window, I stopped by my mailbox that I had neglected for sometime because generally, I do not receive mail.

As I turned the lock, I was met with a pleasant surprise. I had an envelope inside!! The return addressed was one of my dear dear friends Miss Lauren Hardy. Puzzled, I began opening it right there. Inside I found a bright pink piece of paper.

I got the feeling of being back in elementary school, having received  a piece of inter-school mail again. Acrostic poem included. It was this simple pink piece of paper, with neatly curling handwriting on it, that  brought a little light back into my life.​
This piece of mail not only made me start tearing up where I stood it was so touching, but it filled my heart up with joy.

The pick me up was better than any night's sleep that I could have gotten. It was a true blessing from God that reminded me that I had people in my life who loved me unconditionally and that I was not alone. I had a cheering section in my corner. It was just the wake up call that I needed.

As I picked up my package, and headed back out the door, I was a completely different person then when I had walked in. I didn't see a blistery and miserable Tuesday afternoon anymore. I saw the people laughing in a coffee shop through the windows. I saw the happy memories being made. I started thinking of all the things that I had to be thankful for. I suddenly felt the need to tell the whole world and all the people in it that everything would be ok because I loved them. All it took was a reminder that I was loved, and suddenly, I could love again. In fact I was brimming over with it! All because one person sat down and took the time to write me a note.

So I ask now, what does it take to remind you that you are a loved person. That no matter what you may think or feel, there is someone in your corner cheering for you? Also, how can you remind others in your life that you love them? What can you do for others that reminds them that they have someone who loves them. That they are not alone in this fight we call life.

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